21 April 2016

Shorten’s ‘little list’ exposes reckless populism

Bill Shorten’s bizarre admission on Neil Mitchell’s radio program that the topics he wants his royal commission to consider were only scribbled out in the back of a car on the way to the studio today has exposed his proposal as nothing more than a cruel stunt designed to play politics with people’s genuine pain.

The admission confirms that when his Shadow Cabinet considered the proposal it was a blank sheet of paper. Only now, on the way to an interview has he bothered to jot down “a little list” on what it is supposed to do.

Do we now have to wait for a terms of reference when he jumps on a tram?

Our banking and financial system impacts the lives of Australians every day. While the vast majority of these experiences are positive, we know that many Australians have had some appalling experiences. These Australians do not deserve to have Bill Shorten exploit their concerns for his political gain.

The strength and integrity of our banking and financial system is also critical to the performance of our economy. Jobs and growth in our transitioning economy depend upon disciplined and considered action, not what Wayne Swan described as ‘crass populism’.

By his own admission, Bill Shorten’s reckless proposal has been shown up for what it is. Mr Shorten’s proposal is designed only to deliver him a political advantage on the eve of an election being called, rather than deliver an outcome for those with genuine concerns.