Media releases


Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform: Age Pension Age

As part of the Government’s Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform, in 2017 the qualifying age for the Age Pension will gradually increase from 65 to 67 by 2023.

Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform: A pension that keeps up with the cost of living

New indexation arrangements will better reflect cost of living increases for pensioners as part of the Government’s Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform.

Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform: Better targeting of the pension

The Australian Government’s Secure and Sustainable Pensions Reform include measures to better target the largest pension payments to those who most need support.

Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform: New 'work bonus' for Age Pensioners

Age and service pensioners will be able to keep more of the money they earn through part time work under the Australian Government’s Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform.

Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform: New payment for 500,000 carers across Australia

Around 500,000 carers across Australia will receive a new, permanent, Carer Supplement to help them meet the significant financial challenges they face, as part of the Government’s Secure and S

Secure and Sustainable Pension Reform: Increased payments and better assessment for disability pensioners

Around 720,000 Australians receiving the Disability Support Pension will receive pension increases as part of the Government’s Secure and Sustainable Pensions Reforms.

Pension reform: impact on aged care and public housing

The Australian Government is taking steps to provide certainty to pensioners who live in aged care facilities and public housing who are concerned about the impact of the pension rise on their r

Release of Pension Review Report and Retirement Incomes Report

The findings of the review of Australia’s pension system and the review of retirement incomes were today officially released by the Australian Government.

Rebalancing Support for Private Health Insurance

The Government is rebalancing the suite of policies supporting private health insurance – so that those with a greater capacity to pay for their own private health insurance do so.

First Home Owner's Boost Extended

Tonight the Rudd Government announces it will extend the highly successful First Home Owner’s Boost (FHOB) for an extra six months to support more Australian jobs and help more Australians realis

Appointment of Mr David Borthwick PSM as Chair of the Australian Business Investment Partnership

I am pleased to announce the Government’s intention to appoint Mr David Borthwick PSM as the Government’s nominee Director and Chair of the Australian Business Investment Partnership (ABIP), cont

Foreign Investment Decision

Today I approve the application by Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation (Ansteel) to acquire an additional shareholding in Gindalbie Metals Ltd, up to a maximum of 36.28 per cent, conditional up

Social Housing Work Provides Economic Stimulus

Today I inspected social housing units in the Brisbane suburb of Nundah in my electorate where work is being carried out under the Rudd Government's Nation Building Economic Stimulus Plan.

Foreign Investment Decision

Today I approve a revised application by China Minmetals Non-ferrous Metals Co Ltd to acquire certain mining assets of OZ Minerals Ltd, but not including the Prominent Hill mine, conditional on leg

Treasurer to Meet Fellow G-20 Finance Ministers

Tomorrow I will meet with my fellow G-20 Finance Ministers in Washington DC to discuss the deteriorating state of the global economy in advance of the upcoming Budget, as well as actions to tackl

IMF World Economic Outlook April 2009

In its latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) released overnight the IMF paints a bleak outlook for the global economy, and particularly for advanced economies, which are expected to contra

March 2009 Consumer Price Index

Today’s CPI result shows that inflationary pressures continue to moderate in response to the global recession and its effects on the domestic economy.

IMF Global Financial Stability Report (April 2009)

In its Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) released overnight the International Monetary Fund (IMF) paints a sobering picture of the ongoing challenges facing the global financial s

2009-2010 Budget Lock-Up

The Treasurer will deliver the 2009-10 Budget on Tuesday 12 May 2009, with his Budget Speech beginning in the House of Representatives of the Federal Parliament at 7.30pm (AEST).

Regulatory Reform for 21st Century Broadband

Today, the Rudd Government has released a Regulatory Reform discussion paper to seek public comment on ways to improve telecommunications regulations to make it work more effectively in the inter