The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

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Media releases


Federal Budget boost for ACT infrastructure

The Australian Capital Territory continues to benefit from the Morrison‑Joyce Government’s record infrastructure investment, with $51 million committed to the state’s infrastructure pipeline i

2022-23 Budget backs aspiring homeowners

The Morrison Government is supporting thousands more Australians to buy their own home sooner as part of our plan for a stronger future, by more than doubling its successful Home Guarantee Scheme i

Extending support to get more Australian apprentices on the job

The Morrison Government is backing Australia’s future tradies, plumbers, tilers and chefs with a $365.3 million investment that will support an extra 35,000 apprentices and trainees get into a

Cash flow support and red tape reduction to help small business

The Morrison Government is taking decisive action to slash red tape and provide cash flow support for millions of small and medium businesses as part of our plan for a stronger future.

Driving Australia’s digital revolution

The Morrison Government is today progressing to the next stage of the most significant reforms to Australia’s payment systems in more than 25 years, ensuring Australia can capitalise on the signifi

Productivity Commission appointments

The Morrison Government has today appointed Ms Natalie Siegel-Brown (Social Policy), Ms Joanne Chong (Environment Specialist) and Mr Martin Stokie as full-time Commissioners of the Productivity Com

Appointment to the Payments System Board

The Morrison Government has appointed Mr Scott Farrell as a part‑time member to the Payments System Board (PSB) for a five‑year period.

Digital Games Tax Offset

The Morrison Government has today released draft legislation and explanatory material to implement a new Digital Games Tax Offset (DGTO).

Help for disadvantaged youth to find work as part of Australia’s plan for a stronger future

The Morrison Government will provide more support through a new program to help disadvantaged and disengaged young Australians overcome obstacles to find work as part of our plan for a stronger fut

Boost to funding for R&D trials to find treatments for MND

The Morrison Government has announced $2 million funding for research and development of new treatments for Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

Financial Regulator Assessment Authority member appointed

The Morrison Government has today appointed Ms Fiona Crosbie to the Financial Regulator Assessment Authority (FRAA) for the period commencing 21 March 2022 to 14 September&

Deputy Governor of the RBA: Dr Guy Debelle

Dr Guy Debelle, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is stepping down from his position with effect 16 March 2022 to take up an opportunity in the private sector.

Immediate tax relief for flood affected communities

In response to the devastating floods, the Morrison Government has today announced it will provide immediate tax relief to affected communities.

National Competition Council reappointment

The Morrison Government has today reappointed Ms Julie‑Anne Schafer as the part‑time President of the National Competition Council (NCC) for a further three‑year period.

Takeovers Panel appointments

The Morrison Government has today announced the re‑appointment of Mr Alex Cartel as the President of the Takeovers Panel.

Superannuation fund holdings of Russian assets

In light of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and the continued escalation of sanctions imposed against Russia in response, the Morrison Government is today confirming its strong expectation

Budget 2022-23 lock-up arrangements

The Morrison Government will hand down the 2022‑23 Budget on Tuesday 29 March 2022.

Review of the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code

The Morrison Government will commence a review into the operation of the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code (the Code) to be conducted by Treasury in consultation with relev

Economic measures against Russia and lethal military equipment for Ukraine

The Australian Government is deeply concerned at Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, which is a gross violation of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Productivity Commission to consider leave options for carers of senior Australians

The Productivity Commission will examine the merits of unpaid leave allocations for all workers who need to care for an older relative or friend and undertake a study of employment models across th