Media releases


Upcoming consultation on financial adviser professional standards

The Albanese Government recognises the importance of quality and affordable financial advice and is committed to ensuring the professionalisation of the financial advice industry.

Pacific Islands Forum Economic Ministers Meeting

The Australian Government is committed to our Pacific partnerships, and to strengthening and developing regional solutions to shared economic challenges.

Review of the ASIC Industry Funding Model

The Albanese Government has commenced a review of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Industry Funding Model (IFM) and has issued a

Public consultation begins on Multinational Tax Integrity and Transparency

The Albanese Government has released a discussion paper for public consultation on our election commitment to ensure that multinationals pay their fair share.

New product safety advice for babies welcomed

The Albanese Government welcomes today’s launch of a new baby product safety education initiative by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Help for Youpla Group collapse families

Sorry Business is of the deepest cultural importance to First Nations people.

Exposure draft legislation: Taxation of military superannuation benefits

The Albanese Government is introducing legislation to ensure that no veteran pays higher income tax because of the Federal Court decision in Commissioner of Taxation v Douglas (the Dou

Increase to foreign investment fees and penalties

The Albanese Labor Government is delivering on its election commitment to increase foreign investment fees and penalties.

$1 billion ATO settlement shows the importance of ensuring multinationals pay their fair share

The Australian Government welcomes the settlement reached between the Australian Tax Office and Rio Tinto, which will pay approximately $1 billion in one of the largest tax settlements in Australia

Consultations open for faith-based superannuation products

Australians of faith should have the option of choosing a super fund that invests in accordance with their beliefs.

Annual Members’ Meeting notices

Today, the Government has released for consultation, draft regulations outlining proposed technical changes to the disclosure requirements for superannuation Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) notices.

Review to strengthen super

The Albanese Government will always look for ways to strengthen Australia’s world‑class superannuation system and maximise returns to Australia’s superannuation fund members.

A super increase for hardworking Australians

From today, Australian workers will benefit from a boost to their superannuation.

Modelling released for Reinsurance Pool

Today the Albanese Government is releasing the modelling used to design the previous government’s Northern Australia Cyclone Reinsurance Pool.

Crypto not taxed as foreign currency

Crypto currencies will continue to be excluded from foreign currency tax arrangements under the Albanese Government.

Labor’s reforms to boost financial market competition pave way for new provider

A new provider of clearing and settlement services has emerged following the passage of the Albanese Government’s new legislation to improve competition in financial markets, with news ASIC has app