The government has called an election and is now in caretaker

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Media releases


Raising the bar on superannuation performance test update 2023

The Albanese Government will ensure that all superannuation trustees are held to account for the performance of their funds.

Delivering better financial outcomes - roadmap for financial advice reform

The Albanese Government will adopt the bulk of Quality of Advice review recommendations to ensure Australians have access to reliable and affordable financial advice.

Tax scammers are targeting you this tax time

As tax time draws closer, the chance of being targeted by tax scammers increases.

Appointment - Chair - Tax Practitioners Board

The Albanese Government has appointed Mr Peter de Cure AM as the Chair to the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) for a three-year period.

Ensuring external dispute resolution for consumers of financial services

The Albanese Government has today released for consultation

Appointment – part-time Australian independent member – Australia and New Zealand Electronic Invoicing Board

The Albanese Government has reappointed Ms Sarah Lalor as a part‑time independent member (Australia) to the Australia and New Zealand Electronic Invoicing Board (ANZEIB) for another one‑year period

Fighting back against scammer scourge - Government announces new anti-scams centre

Every day, scammers are ripping money out of the pockets of hard‑working Australians, and the Albanese Government is fighting back.

Introducing payday super

The Albanese Government will require super to be paid on payday, a reform that will benefit the retirement incomes of millions of Australians.

Consultation open on financial adviser education standards reform

The Albanese Government is committed to an advice industry with strong professional standards that gives Australians access to high quality financial advice.

Your Future, Your Super Review outcomes

The Albanese Government will strengthen Australia’s world‑class superannuation system to deliver a dignified retirement for all Australians.

Takeovers Panel - member appointments

The Albanese Government has appointed 17 part-time members to the Takeovers Panel, each for a three-year period beginning on 2 April 2022.

Government enshrines workers’ right to superannuation

The Albanese Labor Government is moving to protect more workers from underpayment of superannuation contributions.

Tax fraudsters found guilty: Operation Elbrus

The Albanese Government welcomes the guilty verdicts for 5 offenders involved in the Plutus Payroll tax fraud that defrauded the Commonwealth of more than $105 million.

‘It’s time’ for long overdue consumer protections

As Parliament returns for a fortnight of sittings, the Albanese Government is committed to finalising two important and long overdue recommendations of the Hayne Royal Commission.

Review of the Regulatory Framework for managed investment schemes

The Albanese Government is taking further steps to ensure there are strong investor protections in place across the financial sector tasking the Treasury to review the managed investment schemes (M

Appointments - Chair and Business member – Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board

The Albanese Government has today reappointed Ms Maria McCrossin as the part-time Chairperson to the Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board (CADB) for a one-year period and appointed Mr&nb

Superannuation tax breaks

The Albanese Government is making Australia’s world‑class superannuation system more sustainable and fairer with one modest change that affects less than 0.5 per cent of all Australians.

Damon Rees appointed to lead independent review of MBR program

I am pleased to announce that Mr Damon Rees will lead the independent review into the Modernising Business Registers program.

Consultation begins on legislating objective of super

The Albanese Government is taking the next step towards legislating an objective for superannuation.

ATO raids put fraudsters on notice

The Albanese Government welcomes the swift action of the ATO-led Serious Financial Crimes Taskforce (SFCT) to tackle the biggest GST fraud in Australia’s history, Operation Protego.