Media releases
New Members Appointed to Takeovers Panel
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today announced
the appointment of four new members to the Takeovers Panel.
They are:
Business Regulation Advisory Group Members Announced
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today announced
the new membership of the Business Regulation Advisory Group.
Ministers Release Insurance Industry Market Pricing Review
The Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, Senator Helen Coonan and
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell today released
the Australian Competition and Consum
Productivity Commission Report on Job Network Released
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, and the Minister
for Employment Services, Mal Brough, today released the report of the Productivity
Commission's Independent Re
Government announces policy proposals on audit regulation and corporate disclosure
We release today a comprehensive set of policy proposals on audit regulation
and the wider corporate disclosure framework.
Labor's Folly Disadvantages Super Consumers
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, tonight
condemned the Opposition's disallowance of disclosure regulations for superannuation
and other financial products u
Directors' Personal Liability Under Examination
The Federal Government has asked the Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee
to identify any inconsistencies and compliance cost overlaps in existing laws
relating to directors' liability
Financial Services Compensation Issues Paper Released
A Federal Government paper on compensation for loss in the financial services
sector was released for public discussion today.
Consumer Bible Released
A 268-page consumer handbook that lists every consumer organisation by industry
sector and contains sample complaint letters and check lists was launched in
Perth today.
Mining Company Given Go-Ahead to Negotiate Rail Access
Miner AuIron Energy Ltd has been given Federal Government go-ahead to negotiate
access to the Wirrida-Tarcoola rail service in South Australia.
No Original Thinking in Labor's Corporate Governance Paper
Labor's paper on corporate governance was a slip-shod policy attempt lacking
any evidence of original thinking, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer,
Senator Ian Campbell, said today.
Expensing Options to become Law in 2004
Australian companies will have to expense executives' options in 2004 - not
2005, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, said
Dangerous Jelly Confectionery Banned Nationally
A jelly confectionery which has been responsible for at least 15 deaths world-wide
in recent years has been banned nationally from today.
Labor Flip-Flops Again on Disclosure Regulations
Labor's decision to delay debate on its own motion to disallow key disclosure
regulations of the Financial Services Reform Act was another example of its
flip-flopping on the issue, the Parli
Labor's Corporate Governance Backflips and Hypocrisy
Australia's corporate watchdog, the Australian Securities and Investment Commission,
would have been starved of funds under Labor, undermining its capacity to carry
out its role effectively,
Productivity Commission Study into the Great Barrier Reef Catchment and Lagoon
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today announced
the details of a Productivity Commission research study which will examine the
importance of different indu
Senator Campbell Welcomes International Accounting Board Chairman
Australia's adoption of international accounting standards in 2005 would benefit
business and investors, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator
Ian Campbell, said at a dinner h
Productivity Commission to Evaluate Pharmaceutical Industry Investment Program
The Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources, Ian
Macfarlane, and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell,
today announced that the Productivity Commissi
Government Welcomes Allan Review into Home Builders' Warranty Insurance and Consumer Protection
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today welcomed
the final report of the National Review into Home Builders' Warranty Insurance
and Consumer Protection.
Productivity Commission Study to Benchmark Insurers' Claims Management Practices
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today announced
the details of a Productivity Commission research study that will examine Australian
insurers' claims manag